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Safeguarding and child protection

At Olveston CEVC Primary School we provide outstanding pastoral and academic care and guidance for all children that attend the school. We are proud of our school and instil values for life within the children. We ensure that the Christian ethos is upheld and that respect, hope and love transcend all that we do, say and think.

 At Olveston CEVC Primary School the health and safety of all children is of paramount importance. Parents send their children to school each day with the expectation that school provides a secure environment in which their children can flourish. Olveston CEVC Primary School therefore has to ensure that this expectation becomes reality. The school follows the guidance and legislation set out by the DFE, which includes the guidance set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education 2015 (last update Sept 2018).

To enable the school to ensure the safeguarding of all pupils, all members of staff and volunteers are subject to DBS checks and have regular training to update knowledge, understanding and awareness of safeguarding and child protection issues.

The policies listed below are vitally important in enabling the school to carry out its statutory and moral duties in respect of safeguarding.

We also ensure that we are following latest guidance and policy relating to staff recruitment. These policies are also included below:

  • Olveston CEVC Primary School Safeguarding Policy (with Child Protection policy)
  • Safer recruitment Policy
  • Safeguarding statement 
  • Safe guarding information for parents 
  • Safeguarding information to children
  • Parent helper Leaflet
  • LADO Flowchart revised April 2016
  • Statement of expectations for volunteers
  • Prevent Strategy
  • Lock Down Procedure

 To access these policies click the link below, this will take you to the policy page of our website.


If you have any concerns relating to Safeguarding or Child Protection please contact:

Local Safeguarding Designated Officer (LADO) - Tina Wilson tel: 01454 868508